STAND UP! Against Bullying Campaign

STAND UP Against Bullying – IT ONLY TAKES ONE!

The STAND- UP campaign was designed by the Tom Price Youth Support Association in response to the high incidence of bullying that we observed between young people in our communities.  This behaviour is not isolated to our towns, our state or our country, but is a global phenomenon that is pervasive and affecting young people on a daily basis.

As an organisation, the TPYSA recognised its limitations in addressing this issue in isolation and believed that a key stakeholder cooperative was necessary to create a campaign that stretched across the community with the same message.   We invited other key stakeholders to join us in a community wide initiative, designed to make a cultural change in attitude regarding bullying.  After much background planning and development the idea behind the campaign is now a reality and it is the involvement and support from the key stakeholders that have made it possible.  We thank them for their vision and commitment and we do truly recognise that it is their willingness to support our initiative that has made it a successful community based campaign!

STAND UP was officially launched in Tom Price in May 2018 and at the Wakathuni Community in September 2018. It will be rolled out in Paraburdoo in the near future.

We now see the STAND UP campaign signs around Tom Price where they are located at schools, parks, sporting facilities and other public places.

Together we aim to make Tom Price and Paraburdoo more vibrant and resilient communities, where everyone is safe and feels that they belong, where individuality and differences are accepted and embraced.  Together we can create a wave of change where bullying behaviour is no longer accepted as the norm.

Our message is simple but powerful – STAND UP Against Bullying – IT ONLY TAKES ONE!

If you are being bullied, see someone else being bullied, or a concerned parent, please call the STAND UP Hotline on 9189 2340. This is a confidential service designed to provide information and support.

Community stakeholders who agreed to join us in the STAND UP Campaign have played a huge part in its success and the Tom Price Youth Support Association would like to recognise and thank them for their support.